Working on our first project (RE)designing Organisms. I am going to combine a Peacock Mantis Shrimp with a Star-Nosed Mole.
Peacock Mantis Shrimp are found in parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They are known for their punching motion that they do with their front arms. This motion is used to kill and break apart their prey. Their punch is strong enough to break through an aquarium’s glass wall and it is one of the fastest movements in the animal kingdom Peacock mantis shrimp are known to have extremely complex eyes. Each eye contains 12 photoreceptors that allow them to sense many different colors, kind of like seeing in rainbow. Their eyes also work independently of each other so they can see two things at once. The fact that they can see polarized light helped them to have their own language like a secret code that is undetectable to other species.
Star Nosed Moles are found in swamps and marshes (wet low areas) in Northern parts of North America. They are nearly blind and is one of two animals that is able to smell under water. The mole has a very sensitive nose that protrudes from its face kind of in the shape of an octopus. Their nose allows them to detect seismic wave vibrations.
I wanted an organism that had amazing eyes and a very sensitive nose with a few extras for living in the ocean. This will be to always be completely aware of their surroundings to be a complete predator and never prey.